I started the role of Art and Design Lecturer in January and since then I have taught some great students. I have been so impressed by their talent and enthusiasm. Everyone has made me feel very welcome and I am thoroughly enjoying being part of the team. Here is just a sample of some of the wonderful work that's been going on with the level 2 and 3 classes....

Sketchbook work - mixed media

An exotic, bright and vibrant collection of objects for Frida Kahlo still life

Crazy Hats! 3D modelling using cardboard

Soft sculpture

Wrapped art inspired by artists Sheila Hicks and Judith Scott

Rapunzel cloak made from mixed media textiles

Geometric modelling inspired by the work of Olafur Eliasson

Soft sculpture in the style of Sarah Lucas and Louise Bourgeois

Observational drawing taken from soft sculpture

'Endings' - forensics. crime scene, autopsy