A quick update on what I'll be up to over the next few weeks..
'Tides of Change' - Community art project at The Waterfront Museum, Swansea
10am - 1pm starting Tuesday July 23rd, then every Tuesday until September 10th. Free event - tea, coffee and lunch provided. Funded by SCC Coast.
Swansea Community Workshops - various classes aimed at children and adults. Booking details on SCW website soon. Nominal charge, funded by Coast grant.
Flower wreaths and Green man masks - 12th August
T shirt printing and Coral Islands - 19th August
Planning ahead ready for September - I will be offering two courses
"Spooky Halloween Crafts" and "Hello Autumn! Creative Art Textiles"
More details soon!
Please contact me to book. 07543541244 razzahal03@btinternet.com
